Once upon a time...
In the fairy-tale land, everything went in the best direction. Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin), was married to Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) and it looked like that again, you can all conclude with the words "... and they lived happily ever after." But evil Queen (Lana Parrilla) reached the final measures and through the worst of all possible curses trapped, with no memory of the inhabitants of the Kingdom in... a small American town of Storybrooke, Maine. To have everything under control there appointed mayor and finally achieved her life goal to see misery others, she felt happy.
But there is such a curse that can not be overcome. Sometimes all it takes to know the appropriate spell, sometimes just one kiss, but to break the most powerful of them is needed ... Princess Emma (Jennifer Morrison), the daughter of Snow White and Prince returned to our world shortly after birth and not having a clue about the whole matter. Everything he learns from Henry (Jared S. Gilmore), a ten-year adult, which, by the way is the biological mother, adoptive by nothing less than more, but Mrs. Regina Mills - Mayor of the town of Storybrooke ...
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